Sunday, May 31, 2015

Gratitude List #7: Beauty, Nature, and Spirit

Deep Cove, North Vancouver BC

Today's gratitude list:
* the warmth and healing energy of the sun
* sunny weekends to air and freshen laundry
* a women's gathering to create art (write etc.)
* beauty to inspire and create
* a beautiful home and views (photo to left)
* stunning views of trees and water
* tall pine trees (I have an affinity for trees)
* Satsang (spiritual discourse)
* another beautiful home and views
* more tall pine trees and a garden to look at
* seeing the beauty of a Stellar jay flying
* the play and call of Stellar jays
* walks exploring the neighbourhood

Last weekend was also spent in nature in Hope, BC for a spiritual day retreat - see my gratitude post last Sunday and picture below of this woman's front yard. And (my) Spirit knows I desired and needed to get out more, especially in nature!

Photo of Hope garden

There was a connection from last weekend to this weekend in terms of being in nature and partaking of a spiritual event. However, there was also a spiritual thread, a focus, that weaved during mid-week and again today in topic.

In essence, I was being drawn or "called to" these circumstances. Some may call this coincidence as I used to term it years ago or synchronicity as I now refer to this phenomenon of being in the right place at the right time.

What does your gratitude list look like today, this past weekend and/or week? Did you notice any synchronicities?


  1. Loved your list yet again. That garden is so soothing. I am grateful for a wonderful weekend that was spent with family. I did loads of cooking and help the kids prepare for their new session at school that starts today.

    1. Thanks Rachna. :) Can you imagine a babbling brook right beneath that little bridge as was the case? :) Seems like you were well organized with getting your kids ready for school. Enjoy the day in peace! ;) <3

  2. enjoyed reading your post, and yes so much has happened in the last month, I wrote a post on gratitude for the month, being part of the gratitude circle and now I am feeling grateful for having read your post. The pics are beautiful, thank you for sharing your list... I am inspired to do the same right now..

    1. I am curious about the gratitude circle...may check that out...later! Thanks for the tip! :) I appreciate your comments and glad that I inspired you! Thanks for stopping by and visiting :) <3

  3. Wonderful Ell... I'm grateful for a weekend where I caught up on my sleep and stayed away from office people! :D

    1. Thanks Naba. :) Ah, that sounds like a good weekend for you! ;) <3

  4. I didn't know you go to sating. I have never been to one but some of my friends go. I love that feeling of being connected with nature. Wonderful gratitude list :)

    1. I rarely go to Satsang Raj; however, this came from an indirect invite. ;) It sure is great to connect with nature as I'm sure you very well know with all your yoga asanas in nature! ;) <3

  5. That's a great list- simple pleasures of life to be grateful for! :) Happy June, Elly!

    1. Thanks! And yes, simple pleasures of life can equate to gratitude! ;) Happy June to you too! :) <3

  6. What gorgeous photos. I do miss the west coast, especially when I see views like that! Thanks for sharing your gratitude list.

    1. Thanks Laurel, though the scenes were so much more picturesque of course! ;) Yes, the west coast sure is can always come and visit! ;) <3

  7. Good to read your gratitude list, Elly. A feeling of deep gratitude and contentment definitely takes over when we are in the midst of such natural beauty. Nature is indeed so bountiful, if only we remember to respect and revere her.

    1. Thanks Beloo. I am glad you enjoyed my list. :) You describe the experience of being in nature well: how true! <3

  8. Love the views wow. It's always so nice to be in check with the things that we are grateful for.

    1. The views were awesome, more so in real life of course! :) Too bad, the photos don't do them justice! ;) And yes, always good to do a reality check on gratitude. <3
