Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gratitude List #6: Blessings

Photo of Om symbol (

Today's gratitude list is on the theme of weekend, Nepal and India, gratitude and blessings:

* A short work week due to the long weekend last weekend
* Sunning in warm weather that kisses my face
* Great bands - free entertainment - and dancing, especially outside
* Community events to gather, socialize, and support one another
* Fundraisers to support others (like Nepal due to the recent earthquakes)
* Henna in the form of a lovely flower design and Om symbol on my hands

Om design henna on my right hand and flower design on my left hand and arm
* An invite to "Sacred Chambers," a spiritual process
* Power in prayer
* Gratitude for blessings
* Music (including spiritual as in Sanskrit chants)
* Silence
* Beauty of nature and peace in nature
* Nature sounds: birds, running water (a brook)
* Trees, including tall pine trees
* New friendships
* Nourishment including herbal tea and water
* A safe journey: there were three accidents on the opposite side of the highway as we headed home, including a car on fire
* Leftovers and a delicious, nutritious meal

And similar to last weekend, there was wildlife too in the form of a hummingbird hovering or flying near and/or past me as I heard its wing vibration quite loudly, and an eagle (though I didn't see it when a few of us were driving homebound).

What is on YOUR gratitude list today?


  1. The sound of the hummingbird's wings -- love it!

    1. Yes, I did too though at first I was a bit startled as I had no idea what it was until I asked a woman sitting across from me! :) <3

  2. What a wholistic and holy week you have had, Elly. Much to be grateful for indeed!

    1. Actually it was the weekend I was referring to only Beloo! ;) <3

  3. That henna looks so good on you :)


    1. Thanks! I'll see if I can get a better shot of me with it so proof that it is me! ;) <3

  4. Loved the henna work. Nature sounds and trees works for me too :)

    1. Thanks Raj, I love the henna too! :) And yes, there is nothing that beats the natural sounds of nature! :) <3

  5. Such a peaceful and calming list. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Have always been interested with this. Nice!

    1. Lux, are you referring to the henna? If so, yes, do check it out: it's fun! :) Think of it as a temporary tattoo! ;) <3

  7. Love your henna artwork. You have had a blissful and a satisfying week indeed! :) ♥

    1. Thanks Shilpa and I do too! :) Actually, I was referring to my weekend only...better and more interesting than my week! ;) <3

  8. Ah..I was looking forward to the henna pics! I'm sure the color came out nice and bright! The humming bird sounds like an interesting episode.

    1. Ah, and how did you know Vinnie? ;) Just teasing! The Om symbol on my right hand is much darker; however, I was told that one would stay about a week (probably due to hand washing, etc), and about two weeks for my arm. We'll see! :) Yes, the hummingbird sound was amazing and glad I was able to ask the woman across me, though silently as we were in silent meditation at the time! <3

  9. Great list Elly! and that henna looks pretty! It's been ages I had henna on my hands :)

  10. The henna work looks intricate, Elly.
    I reckon it'll get darker in a couple of days too.
    I need to find more things to be grateful for :)

    1. Interesting as I thought it would only get lighter, not darker! :) Start a gratitude list: it's fun! :) You can check out Laurel Regan's website at where she does a weekly Sunday one...the idea came from her. <3

  11. I love your gratitude list. Each time I read one, I feel motivated to pen one too at the end of every day. That you mobilized funds for the Nepal cause is admirable, Elly.

    1. Thanks Rachna. I appreciate your comments. :) I hope to read yours one day too, soon perhaps? ;) Check out Laurel Regan's on Sundays as the idea came from her, though I don't do it every week lately I have been. <3

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  13. Great gratitude list. It made me smile and made me think of a few things I am grateful for. ♥

    1. Thanks Kathy! ;) I'm glad that it made you smile and realize some blessings you receive in your life.. :) Maybe, it will inspire you to write one or more? ;) If so, check out Laurel Reagan's on Sundays as that was where the idea originated for me. <3
