Friday, July 17, 2015

The Versatile Blogger's Award!

A kind thanks to dear Usha Menon for nominating my blog for the Versatile Blogger's Award - oops! on July 1st! (I am definitely running behind, my apologies.)

Versatile means "to adapt" or "able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities" according to a google search. I hope that describes me and my blog! ;)

If you are as curious as I am to know what it is about, here are some facts about this award (copying from Usha'a post as she was recently awarded):

"The Versatile Blogger's Award is given in recognition for great commitment, diverse talents, and generosity shown by bloggers. It is a great motivation and celebration of their work in the blogosphere."

The award comes with rules as follows:

1. Display the award on your blog.
2. Thank the person who has nominated you.
3. Share seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers.
5. Link your nominees' blogs and let them know.

Ok, here then are seven facts about me. I decided to do some silly ones 'cause after all it's summer and we are supposed to have fun, at least then, right? ;) And besides, since I have been nominated for several awards already, I would likely repeat myself having done this exercise prior.

1. When given a choice between two things, I will usually choose both!
2. I sit on a ball at work and currently on a heart-shaped cushion on top of four big fat phone books (ouch!) at home in front of my (current) desktop computer!
3. I often push elevator buttons with my pinkie, open doors with a scarf or sweater or bottom of my hand, or the side of my hand in a closed fist for other things (and I didn't think I was a germophobic!)
4. I love to do lip trills! It's a fun exercise, especially when tired/bored/frustrated/angry or the like or when waiting in line or at the bus stop, and sometimes just for fun! ;) (It is a great vocal warm-up, especially for choir.)
5. I like to invent words, sometimes with a definition and sometimes not! ;)
6. When I remember I do my body anchor and/or happy dance when really excited about something! The equivalent of "Cowabunga" perhaps?!
7. I used to doodle like crazy when on the phone and/or bored - often - in past. Now, I um, don't have anything exciting to do whilst bored and such. Anyone have any ideas, especially one where I can burn some calories easily? ;)

Ok, now your turn to those whom I nominate (in no particular order, and only five as it could get out of hand being forwarded!):

* Carol Graham whose blog provides hope and inspiration to those who are survivors of tragedy
* Parul Kashyap Thakur whose posts seem to advocate for social issues and justice, in particular for women
* Sanch Vee who blogs at who, at times, questions ethical and moral principles
* Nabanita Dhar who questions life's dilemmas at
* Debbie D. Doglady blogs in her amusing tone on dogs, travels, and music


  1. I need to see that happy dance. Meanwhile watch it while at work - don't topple over.

    1. Tulika, I wasn't able to download Snoopy dancing but just imagine that image! Otherwise, check out a still photo of me dancing at - does that help? ;) <3

    2. Will make do Elly :-). Would have liked a clearer one though.

    3. That's the best I can do unfortunately Tulika! Basically, my 'happy dance' is me either jumping up and down and/or twirling around, that type of thing! ;) <3

  2. Congratulations! Very well deserved. :)

  3. Congratulations Ell :) And thanks for nominating me ... means a lot ..Now, let's do the happy dance together ! :D

    1. Thanks AND you're most welcome! I love the way you write conversationally, especially with your questions! :) And yes, let's do the happy dance together! ;) <3

  4. Congratulations!! Thank you so much Elly! Means a lot :) :)

    1. Thanks Parul, and you are so much welcome too! ;) I think your blog deserves great kudoos! :) <3

  5. I am curious about you sitting at a ball on work and cushion with 4 books at home. Why is that? Same pinch on No. 3. I am a germophobic. Congratulations for the award :)

    1. A ball at work to build my core - ahem! - and my chair is too low at work, and don't have a ball at home! ;) Thanks Shilpa! :) <3

  6. Hearty congrats. El,y Your profile, depicted here, is interesting.

    1. Thanks a hearty bunch to you too, dear Usha! :) Yes, it is quite interesting, isn't it? ;) <3

  7. Congratulations on your award, Elly and thank you for nominating me.♥ I am curious about the ball and phone books and what's a "body anchor"? ☺

    1. Thanks Debbie, and you are welcome! :) The ball is an ergonomic ball, good for building core strength - think abdomen - and phone books and cushion as my chair is too low (and no ball at home to sit on)! ;) A body anchor is related to NLP that 'anchors' in the feelings you want, at least my understanding. Best to google it! <3

  8. Elly - you definitely have a versatile blog -- so big congrats on the award and thank you for nominating me as well.

    1. Thanks Carol (for confirming that)! ;) And you are most welcome for being nominated! :) <3

  9. Rather interesting choices on how you sit both at work and at home ;) Too cute! Many congrats on the award!

    1. It certainly is, isn't it! ;) Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :) <3

  10. Thanks for the award Elly! Lol...I didn't realise you were a germaphobe! :)

    1. You're most welcome Sanch. :) I didn't realize I was either until about two years ago when I witnessed certain things, especially while commuting to and from work on bus, and also the neighbourhood in which I work. ;) <3

  11. Congratulations, Elly. Deserving. Now, let me know, more about the LIP TRILLS?

    1. Thanks Ajay. :) Well, since I cannot seem to add video from my cellphone, why don't you check out this video from a cute guy - ;) - at ...need I say more? ;) Ok, now YOU try it! ;) <3

  12. Lip trills! I need to google that word.
    Congratulations on the award. I usually refrain from using handles, but push the door using the area far below or above the handle :P I absolutely loved your first point :D

    1. Raj, I just did for Ajay, though perhaps "should" have for my blog post! ;) Check out and now, your turn to practice! ;) Thanks for your comments! :) <3

  13. Congrats for the award!
    Interesting to know about you :)

    1. Thanks! :) And yes, interesting quirks about me! ;) <3

  14. I too have some interesting quirks which border on more on the side of weird! lol

    1. Glad to hear I have company Heytappy. (Wink) Thanks for making me feel ‘normal.’ 👍🏻💕
