Monday, February 23, 2015

NaBloPoMo: Make...Myself or For Me?

I made this healthy salad!

Today's NaBloPoMo prompt is, "Do you prefer to have things done for you, or do you prefer to do them yourself?"

I need to keep my posts very brief this week or not do them at all (which I am considering) as something important that I need to attend to has come up recently.

This NaBloPoMo challenge requires daily blogging, posting, reading of and commenting on other blog posts. It easily takes a considerable amount of time that I currently do not have. However, since I have just come home from choir tonight, I will make this quick and short.

The obvious answer to the question above, at least to me, is "depends." I would say though that generally I prefer to do things myself, that is if I know how to do it and/or have the time. Those are the two qualifiers.

In past, when I was in my teens and 20's in particular I would say that I would have preferred that people do things for me. I was either lazy and/or thought I was (too) stupid to do whatever, to learn.

I often think if I do something it may be better, cleaner, or whatever so that is sometimes the reason I prefer to do things on my own, of my own volition.

However, if it comes to anything technological related for example, I prefer someone to do it for me ideally. On the other hand, it's best that I learn by doing, watching, and learning as I go, as I learn best experientially.

So there's my final answer. Hope that suffices!

How about you? Do you prefer things done for you or you to do them yourself?


  1. I like to do things myself...Unless it's cooking which I would gladly let others do :D

    1. Oh I so agree with you on that Naba! How did I forget cooking! I would LOVE someone to cook for me! ;) <3

  2. As you said, depends what it is, Elly. Generally I do prefer to learn and do things for myself, plus I have that perfectionist bent and am not good at delegating. If it has to do with household or car repairs, I seek out professionals, because we're not too adept in those areas.

    1. It is the perfectionist streak in me that likes me to do things myself as well, depending on the nature of the 'thing.' ;) <3

    2. We have that in common, Elly. German/Dutch. ☺

  3. I guess I come under the 'do it yourself' category. I do my own cooking, go for movies by myself and whenever I get stumped with something, use Google to help me out

    1. Good for you Roshan, including that you do your own cooking! I would love a guy to cook for me! ;) I can relate to attending movies alone and googling a lot! LOL ;) <3

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  5. Usually I don't have the option because I am the only one here so I have no choice but to suck it up buttercup and get on with it!

    1. Ah, I can so relate to that Kathy. Living alone forces you to become independent and do things on your own, doesn't it? ;) <3

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  7. Cooking used to be my favourite hobby.Now in old age children do not allow me to enter the kitchen. However, I make cakes, sitting on the dining table.

    1. I guess you were a great cook with many years of practice then, right Usha? ;) I think it's neat that you still are able to make cakes though! :) <3
