Saturday, February 14, 2015

NaBloPoMo: Make...a Change for Girls!

Heart balloons at Butter Lane, North Vancouver

Valentine's Day is "supposed" to be a happy day ideally, an unwritten rule or norm by society's standards. However, it isn't for everyone.

I'd like to bring your awareness to an unfortunately sad subject, though I think it deserves mention in terms of bringing it out of darkness. Some, perhaps many of you are aware of this already; however, others may not or may choose to ignore it.

It's a heavy topic - a burden - one concerning girls and women, i.e., that of being (a) reason of to the right.

Another disturbing trend is featured at That is, 100 million female infants killed after birth. Why? Because 'she' was born the 'wrong sex,' the 'wrong gender.'

She wasn't born a wanted 'he' to carry the family name and/or to avoid a dowry and/or ... fill-in-the-blank. Read at least one main reason why (for this injustice) here.

What will the world come to if it is comprised mostly of men? Is that why rape is so prevalent, though no excuse, in a particular country that practices this form of brutality?

The Oprah show first drew my attention and awareness, years ago, to the horror of FGM, short for female genital mutilation, primarily practiced in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

And while researching, I came across this which I didn't even know existed!

Oh my! When will this end? When will violence against females, innocent girls and women end? When will we as females feel safe and at peace in our homeland and/or while travelling abroad? When can we freely roam the streets without worry, without fear?

This blog post expands a bit on the top of child brides and another on violence against women.

I cannot write anymore about this. I am in grief and instead of celebrating today's "heart" day, I will offer up prayers for females, girls and women alike.

My heart goes out to you, to us...females.

My mind is too numb to think of a 'proper' question though there may be one other than the obvious.


  1. Sometimes I wonder why is the world so unfair when it comes to women Ell...? I really do

    1. Good question and I don't have an answer either Naba. Such a shame... <3

  2. As we celebrate Valentine's day we hardly give a thought to horrific data such as this. The most shocking part is that it's happening right here - all around us. What we can do is raise not just aware daughters but responsible, sensitive, evolved boys. It's the men who need to be awakened and empowered.

    1. That'e exactly right Tulika! Thanks for your comments! :) <3

  3. Omg Elly, what made you think of this traumatic topic on a happy day like Valentine's. I agree, crime against women sure is a matter that one cannot ignore but I wonder why you chose to think about it on this particular day wherein everybody celebrates mutual love irrespective of genders.

    1. Good point Vinnie and I didn't answer that in my post did I? I saw the image ('ad') posed above and the thought that these girls probably can't celebrate Valentine's Day (at least in their hearts) broke mine. I know it to be a tender and sensitive topic.... <3

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. It's mind-boggling and tragic that such atrocities against girls and women still occur, in this supposedly "enlightened" age, but the world is a cruel place. Awareness is the best tool and you're doing a great service, Elly.

    1. Sometimes it seems like we are still living in the Middle Ages in terms of cruelty and ages ago before then in how women are treated as subservient to men. This requires a much-needed heart and awareness. <3

    2. Debbie, I should have said 'Dark Ages' above! ;)

  6. It boggles the mind that such atrocities still exist in this world we live in.

    1. For sure Kathy, for sure! Such a sad state of affairs. <3 (My heart denotes compassion and love which is needed in this matter.)

  7. Women has to suffer so many atrocities... I had read about breast ironing which just made me shiver and to think that it was done to protect their daughters. I can't understand why our society won't stop objectifying women.

    1. Indeed, it is a crying shame Raj. No sense at all! <3
