Thursday, November 20, 2014

Books inside Me?

Photo credit: google

Today's NaBloPoMo writing prompt should actually be the one I wrote yesterday due to today being Universal Children's Day.

However, the question for today is, "Do you have a book in you? Fact or fiction? Related to your blog or totally different?

I have been informed by at least two people, possibly three - I can only remember one at the moment - that I have at least one book inside me. I had thought so myself, at least one or two at that time.

That statement made me wonder: Don't we ALL have at least one book inside us? It may be simply (though not necessary 'simple') our life story! And we all have that!

I have never been pregnant, at least not in this lifetime; however, it would be a dream for me to give birth to a book: I would so LOVE that! I would be ecstatic and in joy! that how one feels after birthing a baby? ;)

I hear birthing a book is quite like pregnancy from several book authors. The waiting in particular - pregnant pause (pardon the pun) - can be painful at times and all that goes with writing, editing, and publishing in order to produce a final copy, whether a beloved hard copy or e-book.

My pregnancy would look, I imagine, as follows:

1) The birthing of a book of my inspired poetry which initially came to me spontaneously at age 18 or 19 (don't ask me why...I do not know and it doesn't matter for me to know now)

2) A hopefully easy birth of an inspired children's story I had written based on a creative arts program I designed and facilitated for young children. I love this story as they are all heroes and become friends! ;) I just need an artist (one whom I have already met and the money and time to go ahead with this project).

3) An excerpt or excerpts of my life story. I truly wish I had kept a diary or journals as I have had a number of unusual experiences; however, a few in particular stand out. I would write it in the hopes of empowering females - girls and women - so they do not experience the almost tragic consequences that I did (which I had blogged about previously in part).

4) Perhaps a book related to my blog or rather my vision (used to call 'dream') which is why my blog got birthed in the first place! ;) Call to Action written July 5, 2010, was my very first blog post followed by Why Me? Why this Choir? On July 17, 2010

Those two posts originally – keep in mind, I was a brand, spanking new blogger – were rather lengthy; however, I think they read relatively easy as they are rather storylike in nature.

And lastly, there may be other books that I do not know about hidden away in the recesses of my mind and body. Perhaps they are not ready to be born just yet. For the time being, three is enough and especially since three is my favourite number. (wink, wink)


  1. interesting concept. I bet I have a few memoirs in me to share, it's just a matter of sitting down and writing them.

    1. Yes, I think we all have at least one book - our memoir - inside us. And often if not always, it's just the first step that we need to take in order to get us going in the direction we choose to travel on. So perhaps the better question is: when will you start? That is, if it is important enough for you to do so! ;) <3

  2. Honestly have never asked myself that question but I definitely think you're on to something!

    XO Jen | The Single Diaries

    1. Ah, well maybe it's something you wish to check out and challenge yourself with Jen, especially if you are already writing diaries! ;) <3

  3. I think you need to give it a go... 1 , 2 or 3 or even more who knows ? :)

    1. Yes, I would love to Nabanita, thanks! I need to set my priorities and make time for this if this is truly something I wish to achieve. :) <3

  4. Each person has lived an amazing life--that's a given. However, not everyone would have the skill or determination to dedicate themselves to learning how to present their written word in a format that would appeal to a stranger. Perhaps they could write a story of their life for their family. Then it wouldn't be lost. I'm sure future generations would love to read about what their great-grandparents did.

    1. I so agree with you there Francene and just realized that I forgot to mention that: not everyone is meant to write their story or a book! ;) However, for sure it would be great to write down somewhere even in a diary/notebook for family members.<3

  5. You are right, everyone must have a book in them. Hope you write the book soon.

  6. I honestly don't think I have a book in me at all. I write short stuff best on the most part.

    1. And that's ok Kathy! However, a book could be full of the short stories or thoughts you have...if you wanted to of course! ;) <3

  7. I second what Francene says. My Mom died when I was 12 and I would give anything to read a memoir written by her - whether or not she was a skilled writer. That's the beauty of memoir writing - if you have a family you have loved ones who, (if not now, one day) will be most interested in the stories you have to tell about your life. Go for it! Alana

    1. I so agree with you Alana. On the other hand, there are also the stories of our parents for example that we perhaps can write about if we so choose, and of course if they will let us! ;) <3

  8. Very interesting article. I can imagine how much you have hidden within you. I too had a great urge to write.I satisfied it by writing my memoirs, titled 'Reverse Gear'. That was three years ago. These days the urge is again overpowering me.

    1. Thanks Usha. I do so desire to read your memoir: I bet it's amazing just like the woman you are! :) <3

  9. Love the angle you took on this post. I agree -- we all have several books waiting to be birthed. I think you should definitely start writing your memoir! The life story genre is where a lot of folks have major regrets and I don't want you to be one of them!

    Dorit Sasson

    1. Thanks Dorit. I have no prosperity of my own to bequeath them to, except perhaps my nieces and would they be interested? Not so sure.... ;) <3

  10. Very interesting concept! Wishing you all the success, Elly, hope you give birth to your books soon :) ♥

    1. Thanks Shilpa, I appreciate your words of encouragement. :) <3
